Friday, September 14, 2007


For some, it's been a long week, what with assignments and tests and lifegroups and friends and what not. And for others, it's been an even longer week because nothing has happened. Nick casts an eye over the happenings of the group and asks, "has there ever been a busier week in cell?"

(announcements 4 forthcoming events listed at the bottom, so scroll all the way down if u don't wanna wade through all this waffle =P)

Saturday night pot luck was a time of eating and hanging out together. And when it came to games, this was a classic medicine vs commerce students clash, with the med students picking up the plaudits. The other highlights included Enoch (and yours truly) actually bringing food rather than the customary drinks and cutlery. Pammie's desserts of course, stood out as usual, with a fruit and custard tart and THAT sticky date pudding.

Weng Yan announces the people in cell going for camp:
wengyan, nick, enoch, benedict, amanda, li-yen, jillian, celeste.

The dent students and Benedict are taking the headlines for prayer requests. Tests and assignments for the dents. Benedict has exams the entire week. Nastasha announces that she has been blackmailed into going for camp. Selena is NOT going for camp. Elsewhere, away from the evils of exams and blackmailing, Enoch and Melissa are both sick, with what, no one really knows. But people are still encouraged to pray, of course.

Nastasha shows signs of studying too hard - she now cracks lame anatomy jokes. And the occasional spouting of words like "
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major". Enoch's sore throat has taken a turn for the worse, and is now only allowed to eat porridge. Jillian bakes a strawberry cobbler that is absolutely fantastic. Shows that there are probably some pros to having lots of girls and only a few guys in cell - lots of yummy food. And Benedict has yet another exam on Thursday.

  • Last weekend to sign up for camp. According to Enoch, while prices have increased by $10, he is offering a $10 discount to all who sign up through him.
  • Monday night (7:30pm, Melb Uni tram stop): Malaymas! An opportunity to eat that elusive 'authentic Malaysian hawker fare'. And if you can make it, do turn up for prayer meet at Enoch's place before dinner.
  • Wednesday night: IGNITE! Enoch has just started his crusade of bugging/encouraging people to turn up for Ignite. Btw, did we ever hear about Ignite before? He would like to say "do come join us for an awesome time of prayer, worship and receiving God's Word". *clears throat* I would add that the food, available from 7:30pm, is really really good.
  • Thursday night: Lifegroup. Enoch would like to remind all that the official line goes "lifegroup is not a substitute for Ignite". Otherwise, he might find himself a controversial figure in going directly against the church vision. Surely no one would want to get him into trouble? Thankfully he isn't Catholic and can't be excommunicated though.

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